
As a Certified Massage Therapist since l988, Cindy has practiced with many chiropractors, taught Basics of Massage course at a local Vo-Tech School, been on-staff at the local YMCA and was licensed as an EMT for four years. Reaching further into alternative health care, she has studied magnetic therapy, kinesiology, reflexology, nutrition, diet, supplements and Reiki, which is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing.  Cindy recognizes that learning additional energy techniques have been extremely beneficial in assisting victimized and emotionally abused clients who choose not to resort solely to prescription drugs for pain relief.

In 1998, Cindy became a Certified Equine Massage Therapist and has thoroughly enjoyed seeing the astounding results when working with animals of all kinds, including cattle, horses, dogs, cats, monkeys, and iguanas as well as newborn calves and foals. Cindy became a Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of Oklahoma in April 2017.

As she further explored remote energy work, also known as distant healing, Cindy has discovered that there are no limitations when working with energy whether working with humans or animals. By telephone or through a picture, Cindy is able to connect with the energy field of a human or animal. Using Kinesiology, she is able to help the client determine whether the issue is on a physical, mental or emotional level. Being able to face and clear emotional blocks helps us to move forward in our personal growth. Many physical issues are caused by emotional trauma.

Animals can pick up on a human’s energy field that needs to be cleared. Abuse in our youth affects all beings, human or equine. Heavy handed training can cause lifelong issues. When the veterinarian, trainer or human partner can’t seem to get to the bottom of the issue, energy work has been found to be very successful in many cases.

Many times, humans have been raised in a controlling environment, which suppresses their authentic self. As we face those distortions based on society’s beliefs, choose to let them go and move forward, our freedom and joy just naturally bubbles forth.  Having initially learned this process to help herself, Cindy has been using this method for almost 20 years.

Cindy Kraft

  • Licensed Massage Therapist with 30 years experience
  • Licensed EMT for 4 years
  • Karuna®  Reiki Master registered through the International Center for Reiki Training
  • 20 years Certified Equine Massage Therapist
  • Emotional Trauma Release using Kinesiology, Reflexology and Energy Balancing
  • Taught basics in Massage Therapy at Green Country Vo-Tech School
  • Contracted with OSU/Okmulgee Institute of Technology for over 20 years to provide massage therapy to anyone with an OSU ID card
  • Worked with Chiropractors for 15 years on whiplash and accident patients
  • Published author in Natural Horse Magazine
  • Endorsed by Joyce Campbell, DVM – License # 2721